Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Jefferson Four

I caught the fourth cat in Jefferson. I left the trap inside the house and did have to travel back to Jefferson at midnight. I found her inside the trap, howling. She howled all the way home. Until, that is, I took her into my bathroom, where her mom and two brothers were still in traps, recuperating from surgery today. I let them all out after worming and defleaing them. That last little girl could not stop purring. She had been so scared and lonely, with the house being vacated, emptied, all these strange people in and out, then her three family members being taken. She did not know what was to become of her, or what had happened to her family.

Contrary to myth, cats are extremely family oriented and love their families and worry about them.

These cats are not barn cat material. One of the group members helping the DD woman has a barn they keep their horses in, but they don't live there. And it's coyote country and on a busy highway. This does worry me very much. These are all lovebugs who want house cat pillow homes.

Who will take them and give them what they really want, what they deserve?

The last trapped tabby on white there in the back, the little girl who can't stop purring when she discovered her fate was not to be horrible, but rather to be reunited with her family.
One of her brothers, fixed today, with her in the background.
This is the three teens' mom, a tabby on white manx.
This is the other brother, neutered today, slightly shyer than the other three, but not much shyer. These are all tame wonderful sweet beautiful kitties.

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