Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Insanity in Lebanon

There's a woman been calling me. She called me a couple years back, too, wanting help with cats when I lived in Corvallis and she lived in Albany. I never met her, because something at that time was up, surgery I think, and Marilyn of Spay Inc. helped her get a few fixed.

But one night she calls me again. She wants to know if I will tell the police I was driving a car that she was actually driving drunk, without a license and uninsured. She also told the police her name was Marilyn, the name of the Spay Inc. woman helping her and told them she was on a mission from the FCCO, when she drove drunk then tried to steal somebody's cats and a group of neighbors called the police.

It wasn't her first DUI. I told her that was an outrageous thing to ask a complete stranger who had never even met her and told her to face the music and get some help. I never heard from her until recently, years later, over cats again.

She quickly became abusive. Didn't take long at all. Now she lives in a Lebanon trailer park and wants myself or Nick to trap and fix and even relocate fifty or so cats roaming the trailer park where she lives. Instead of getting involved herself.

When I told her my spine was inflamed and my stress levels high and that I could not relocate more cats, she flew into a rage and began trying to blame me somehow, for the problem and for suggesting, when she asked what she could do about the problem, that she identify any strays and start bringing them to clinics. She was supposed to bring some in January to the clinic, but only brought one. She is angry that I will not become her slave to solve the problem for her and the park, and that perhaps Nick cannot be so persuaded either.

I responded by blocking her e-mail but first I told her I was doing so and why.

Nick told me by phone today that he committed to going over and talking to their neighborhood watch group meeting tomorrow morning. He's told them he'd come for a week now, but he's not looking forward to it.

He's going to see if the people there are willing to help trap and fix the cats, commit to not killing them either, because if they won't help or use emotional blackmail (threats against the cats to force someone with a heart to take on the project of relocating them) he plans to tell them that he isn't going to do it. He's going to tell them the options open to them, namely registering cats for the FCCO clinic, and them trapping and transporting them to the clinic.

If people threaten the cats at the meeting or demand that Nick remove them all, he's out of there, he says. He's going to make it clear, he says, that he is just a volunteer and they are just as capable of volunteering their time, since none of them work. That's his big plan anyhow.

I'm not going. I just can't. My spine is a mess. Getting involved in a hateful yelling abusive drunken massive unfixed cat situation isn't something I am capable of tackling right now. I wish I could but I can't.

Update: there really were not 50 cats in the park, just a dozen or so. The same cats were making the rounds to several trailers and being counted as different cats at each trailer. Most are now fixed. Yay.


  1. i'm glad you flat out told her and blocked the email.
    i hope it goes ok at the meeting for nick. that situations sucks. what lazy people.

    still no callbacks on any of the 30plus resumes i've sent out. sucks

  2. Oh man, HB. 30 plus resumes and no responses. That has got to be scary.



Prissy from Quartzville road is very happy here.  After the three I had in my bathroom escaped it she instantly made herself at home.  Tickl...