Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tire Held

My tire held so I hope I have time to wait for a sale to come up, on the tire size for my car. I went and got groceries and cat food, too, in Salem, after dropping off the two cats to be fixed.

I spent most of yesterday tearing apart my box springs. Those people who brought that mattress a few months back, said they had a good box springs and the frame and headboard and would bring that later, they never showed up with the rest of it. Finally she called to tell me since they'd not gotten around to getting the rest, the guy who had it took it all to the dump.

I can't get rid of a mattress. They're too heavy and unwieldy and expensive to get rid of and won't fit in my car besides, for a trip to the dump. I decided to put my old mattress on top of that one, and get rid of my box springs instead since that would be easier to accomplish. Nobody would want them and I couldn't donate them because they'd been torn up and the covering was shredded from rot, age, and the cats. So yesterday I began the task of taking them apart to be able to get rid of them that way.

It was time consuming to remove all the springs, but I finally got it done and the springs are in a box in the garage. I'll take them to the recycler. The felt pad on the top of it, I folded up and made use of it for insulation in the bottom of a cat bed. The board frame I will turn into a cat ladder and they'll like that. And finally, that chapter in my life will be over.

I also did some window washing, that is, until that back muscle near my shoulder blade inflamed. Then I quit that.

Stinod gets out of the rabbit hutch today. She's over her cold and doing well. She's just a love bug, all furry and purry, and loves to brushed and petted. She will roll around on her back when I pet her then want me to rub her stomach. She's nearly blind, has only one eye and limited vision in that eye. She spends most of her time in the garage room and cat yard to avoid being startled and harrassed by my cats, who are sometimes not nice to disabled kitties.

I'd like to find her a loving one level home. It drives me nuts that she walks the cat runs in the garage room, from memory, sometimes falling off, if startled. So, I bet there's someone out there who would love to take care of such a wonderful kitty as Stinod.

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Green Peter Drawdown Video

  A video made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.  Will it help at all?   I don't know.