Monday, February 16, 2009

Islamic Law

Islamic Law, which the Taliban fight for, means brutality to woman, who are treated like property, and with less respect in many cases, than animals.

I saw a news story on women in Pakistan, who have had acid thrown in their faces by these monster men, under Islamic Law. They were echoing, very bravely, the horrors of how they are treated in Islamic zones, like insects. They were horribly maimed from the acid. 80% of Pakistani woman are subjected to abuse, the report said, and a few brave women are trying to stand up for themselves.

Islamic men and countries should be ashamed of themselves. I would wish this upon these men, that when they die, they come back as women, subjected to the horrors the Islamic fundamentalist men impose on women now.

Click here to read a post on a blog about honor killings in America.


  1. That's not Islamic Law at all. That goes completely against everything written in the Qur'an.

  2. I suppose it could be called the fundamentalist altered Islamic law. My brother recommended a book, but I forget the title, something about Princess's something Daughters, not sure. It was a account about life of women in Saudi Arabia, and how so many women and girls are drowned by their weathly often royal family fathers or relatives, in honor killings. For tiny things, like going to a store without a male relative along. The fight for rights among women in those countries I bet will be bloody, but changes are slowly coming, I've heard, in some places. I'll have to get the exact title of the book.

  3. Yes, Saudi Arabia is completely different thing!


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