Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Conversation with Jon

I got a call. I recognized the voice. The guy hung up on me before, after I merely asked "Who is This?" He starts out "Hi! Is the lady of the house home?" At that point, in the first call a few days ago, I responded "Who is this?" which prompted a hang up.

I did a look up on the number. It's a nonprofit "Kids First" or something like that that promotes Family Films, as opposed to non family films, that have nudity, violence and swearing.

Tonight, the phone rang again. "Hi! Is the lady of the house home?" I responded "You're those movie Kids First people who called before and hung up on me." He introduced himself as "Jon" and started in about a movie, about some rabbit. I interrupted and asked "Are you a computer generated voice?" Because Jon's spiel sounded like a computer. "Oh, do I sound like that? No, I"m not a computer, although a supervisor is standing by." I said "Jon, you could have fooled me." And on Jon went about the movie. I interrupted again, and said "Seriously Jon, you sound a bit like a computer." "Oh, do I sound like that? No, I'm not, but a supervisor is standing by." I said, "Jon, you said that before, in exactly the same tone. You're a computer, Jon."

I said, "Seriously, I bet you've heard of Hal, you being a computer and all. Do you know what happened with Hal? Read up on, it Jon."

At this point, a woman picks up and starts in. "Jon, transferred the call to me." I said "You mean Jon the computer? Why are you pretending Jon is living being? He's a computer generated voice trying to voice recognize words and respond, but he's not that good at it."

"Well, technically, yes. We're promoting a family oriented movie about a rabbit." At this point, I start giggling very loudly and I apologize, saying "I'm sorry, but this is a little bizarre, this whole thing, you promoting family films about some rabbit with a computer voice you're pretending is a real human. Are you offering me a free ticket to this movie?"

"No, of course not. We just want you to see it."

"Why? BEcause I like cats?"

"How would cats relate to a family oriented family movie?"

"I don't know. You're the ones who called me! Cats and rabbits are both animal species, unlike you know who=====Jon."

I continued, "Well, um, I'd just like to suggest that I think it'd be very family value oriented to use real humans in your calls."

"Ok then, thank you. I'll tell my boss."

"Is your boss a computer?" I try to ask. But she's hanging up. Or Jon is.

I wanted to say, "Is Jon your boss? Do you need help getting out of there right now? Are you enslaved by Jon? Are you safe? Pull his plug, lady, but you'll have to be smart about it or..." I thought better of such a response. I'm just not qualified to advise on how to escape a computer. They're so dangerous! I mean how would you?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My wife, Peggy, thinks computers hate her. She came to get me from the other end of the house last week because she couldn't open a Word file. I double-clicked, and it opened right up. "I did just what you did," she said, "and it didn't work. See, computers DO hate me."

  3. I think that, too, Snowbrush. I'm still on my old computer. My brother however says that word is installed on the new computer, but it won't accept the product code and I don't know how to fix that issue, since Dell isn't really very "supportive". I am going to try dealing with Microsft now. Someone told me "good luck on that". I've never tried dealing with Microsft before, so now I'm all paranoid about even trying.

  4. My recent memories are of dealing with Apple, and they're quite good.

    If you don't have any luck with telephoning Microsoft, you might try their website for information about your particular problem.

    When you say "they" won't accept the product code, do you mean when you try to register the product, it gets rejected? What if you tried installing it from scratch without registering it...

  5. By "they" I'm not sure who I mean, the gods of Dell and Microsoft I guess. It was preinstalled by Dell. I don't have a disc, unless it is on one of the Dell reboot discs my brother sent with it. I thought about reinstalling everything. There might be some other product code somewhere. They claim it was supposed to be contained also in an icon on the desktop but it isn't. And since there is no Word product disc that was included, I entered teh product code on the Dell reboot disc, one of them, that was included. Didn't work, was rejected. So, I don't think I have the sought product code correct, but where oh where to find it, that's the problem.


The Cold

 Despite the sub freezing nights, we are getting sun during the day.  Instead of the heavy cold fog. Not warm sun, but we can see the sun.  ...