Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cats Fixed Wednesday and My Red Wall

My cats like to snooze atop the table I have by a window.

Doc, Mops and Mums on the table.
Shady and Buffy enjoy a nap.
Brambles, standing, Doc, Mums and and Shady on the table.
Brambles in the back standing, Doc up front, Mops tucked in behind, Mums and Shady lounge.
Is this bright or what? This wall just has one coat so far.
The blue around the edges is actually just tape. I hope my brother, who owns this house, doesn't kill me for painting the walls bright colors. I like bright colors and the white was getting too dirty and showed every little bit of dirt too well. Way too well.
This is the calico, very cute I think, fixed from near Lacomb last Wednesday.
This is the Albany calico fixed last Wednesday. The other three fixed last Wednesday were brought in by their owners, also from Lacomb. And the same people took in three again Friday. I didn't see any of those six, just arranged it, so, no photos, sadly.

I got a call from a potential adoptor which just makes me so excited I can hardly stand it. And nervous, too, hoping nothing happens to blow it. They'll probably come see the cats Monday. I'm just crossing my fingers here and jumping for joy!


  1. i love the red!
    i always buy the chepo "opps" paint places. so far i've found some nice colors that way.

  2. Anonymous11:45 PM

    is that red or the bubblegum hot pink bubbleyum color you were telling me about??? by the way - HAPPY BIRTHDAY JODY......YOU ARE NOW OFFICIALLY OLDER THAN ME...BY TWO AND A HALF MONTHS!!!!!
    a GREAT BIRTHDAY GIFT - getting some cats adopted!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you on monday....we are expecting snow that day - up to five inches - whew!@!!!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....