Thursday, January 15, 2009

Statement On Human Ethics

Words don't mean much. Action counts. We humans like to pretend we're hot stuff, the children of God. But actions speak loudly and clearly as to who we really are.

Click the post title to go to an article describing the garbage dump our rivers have become for toxic pollutants that are evidence of our disdain for even our own existence, let alone the existence of others. Not even a dog craps in his own yard.

We can do so much better.

We have to stop killing one another. Killing one another, whether inflamed with the chest pounding righteousness of religious war or for convenience or passion, is wrong. Do we want to continue down the path we are on, which is the path to total devastation, self-wrought? We're marching that path eagerly. Some people just love marching it and decry anyone who questions.

We have to stop overpopulating the earth with humans. This should not be a touchy subject. Churches make it a religious subject, which I don't even come close to understanding. Overpopulation kills living people. I figure churches who promote reproduction, like Mormons and Catholics (I have dubbed these "the breeder religions") are just promoting this to create lots of new little church members. Because if morality were the consideration, even these two notorious breeder religions would be promoting birth control.

And, we have to stop crapping in our rivers. We need clean water to drink and clean air to breathe. These truths are self-evident to all but the really really stupid and to the really really greedy.

Well, that's my sermon for the night. Going to bed.

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