Thursday, August 21, 2008

Should Be Criminal!

It should be criminal to treat kittens like this. These are three of four kittens from a ten year old unfixed female, at a location in Albany. I could not talk her out of the fourth. People who treat cats like this have no business having any animals. And I shouldn't be in her yard, trying to deflea and worm kittens and adults, put meds in their eyes, and get them all in to be fixed. The owner should be. But she isn't, so who is going to do it?

It should be criminal to have animals and not to even care for them in the slightest.

These kittens have roaring URI's, gunked closed eyes, were crawling in fleas, have earmites and worms. I've already treated them for worms, fleas and earmites, started them on antibiotics and am treating their eyes. But this should not have fallen to me, and my meager finances. This is the job of the so called owner, who never fixed one of her cats and lets these kittens crawl around the junk in her yard suffering.

Let this be a warning to all those out there, getting animals and then barely noticing they're alive, or barely alive. If you are so inept and so uncaring or so lazy, don't get a cat in the first place. If you cannot afford to fix your cat and treat it for parasites, vaccinate it and take it to the vet, DON'T GET A CAT OR DOG in the first place!


  1. Gosh, that's just horrible. Isn't this sort of neglect in fact something the police would look into? On the other hand, you're right (from a previous post) that the cops do not take abuse of cats as seriously as abuse of dogs -- I noticed this when I reported a horrific case of cat abuse to the LA police.

    thanks....yet again, for caring, strayer.

  2. If that other one is outside, can you sneak over and get it?

  3. From what you describe it seems to me that the owner could actually be hold liable/be fined for animal abuse/neglect? And I too suggest to just kidnap all and every animal on their property! Alley Cat Allies might be a good partner to talk too for advice?

  4. I Dare You!
    Yes, it is time again for another challenge from The Cat Realm! Come and check out the details on our blog.
    I hope you will accept the challenge and will eagerly await your entry!

  5. Well, I caught her mom in the alley, behind the woman's house. Saw the likely the father too but did not catch him, a white medium hair male. The sickest kitten's mom is the daughter of the ten year old unfixed mother of the two smallest kittens. AT least, the mom is getting fixed today. And the ten year old mom will be fixed next week. it's all quite sick and sad.


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