Monday, August 25, 2008

Mixup with Calls for Rescued Kittens and Obama Oregon

I got a call this evening, but didn't get to the phone in time, and no message was left. I was sure it was the woman who is interested in Sunny, the orange tabby Vanman Kitten Yard Kitten. I did last call return and got the number. I called the number back, expecting it to be the woman wanting to adopt the rescued kitten.

It wasn't. It was the Obama campaign. I was thrown totally off balance. The woman who answered said, "Oh, you called back the Obama Oregon campaign." I said, "What? I called back a telemarketer?" (I consider political calls telemarketing. She doesn't.)

"We're not telemarketers," she said, slightly outraged. "We're Obama Oregon," like I was supposed to instantly fall on my knees, asking forgiveness and kissing feet.

"Well I thought you were someone wanting to adopt a little rescued kitten," I stumbled on. "You can understand, I'm kind of disappointed that you're a telemarketer instead," I said.

"I'm a dog person and my dog likes to chase cats," Obama Oregon girl says cheerily. The hair on my neck begins to rise and I feel a hiss forming deep in my throat.

"We're having a pizza party to watch his acceptance speech on Thursday and you're invited," she goes on. It's at some Albany pizza parlor.

"And is there free pizza and beer with that?" I ask, hopeful. She stumbles, kind of clears her throat, giggles nervously. Apparently everybody is to buy their own. Man, that's a cheap political party. If the Republicans put it on, the beer would be free and flowing. They know how to get votes!

"Oh, I see," I said, dejected, into the phone, to Obama Oregon girl.

I'm vastly disappointed and thinking, 'so why would I come?' but instead, I say, "And you don't even want to adopt a rescued kitten?"

But I'm thinking, 'if you don't adopt a kitten, I am not coming to your stupid pizza party where I even have to pay for my own pizza and beer.'

And then I say, "Boy, this is just real awkward, isn't it?"

She giggles some more and I say "Well, thank you. Have a nice pizza party. Don't drink too much. Bye." and hang up.


  1. They called me also tonight about a party in Corvallis. I figured I would carry on your tradition and asked her if she was interested in adopting a kitten. She said she was allergic. I told her I was allergic to politicians. :)

  2. That is so funny! I am cracking up! Obama Oregon is going to need to address the rescued kitten issue, or face ugly consequences.


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