Wednesday, July 23, 2008

All the Houses are For Sale

If I were rich, I'd buy most of Albany. Sometimes it seems most of Albany is up for sale. The houses, that is. So many with For Sale signs. Every block almost. The house behind me was for sale and two across the street from that one. Just so many
For Sale signs.

A rich person could buy them all and create the sort of town they wanted. If I had loads of money and bought all the For Sale houses, I'd give them to everyone I know who is very much struggling to survive, so they wouldn't have to worry about that anymore. It'd be like Christmas, handing out houses and with that would come freedom from all that worry and pressure for those people, those families. Weights lifted from shoulders. Like that two and three job woman.

Like the two women in Las Vegas losing the mortgage battle. I've never met them, but they sent me a Christmas present and they love animals, after one of them began periodically reading my blog. I met them online, you see, and they have encouraged me when I am down and out and sent me the printer I still use and I can't stand thinking now that they are falling down.

I wish I could figure out a way to pay off their mortgage. Maybe get them on Good Morning America? Oprah? But how? They both lost their jobs. Their interest rate went skyhigh and they have both been in severe depression, worried about losing their animals and a home to live in. Both have severe health issues, too. I should be able to figure out how to save them. I thought about starting a Paypal account specifically to help pay off their mortgage and somehow engage the country in saving them. But how to get such interest. And how to do that legally, with the IRS and all. I can't just turn my back on them. I'd like to let them live here. I could live anywhere, really. In a car. In a hut. In a tent. In a shack. Under a rock. In a cave. I have lots of practise. If you have friends, where you live isn't that huge of a deal, if you can stay dry and warm, that is. And safe.

I don't have a lot of money, but this house is very very nice. I complain too much. I complain because I'm lonely. It is the root of all my complaining. Lonliness. But as far as everything else, I am extremely blessed.

Every block in Albany mirrors their struggles. So many houses on the chop block. And faces back there, behind the closing curtains, and eyes and souls. I wish I wish I wish.....

I've wished for a roommate or two, but I've been alone all my life and am very eccentric by now. I don't think anyone could put up with me. The cats do. Maybe they think I am a little odd, but that's ok by them, as long as they can sleep with me, play with me and be fed on time.

People say cats are so aloof, and yet, if they are so aloof, why do they love me so much, a person whom people stay clear of? I would have to say people are far more aloof than cats. I would have to say cats are far more Christian, also. Until a mouse appears. I say they are far more tolerant and nondiscriminatory than any liberal. But they don't back down from a fight either, and if they could own guns, they certainly would.

Well, I've strayed. It's very hard for me to think of the plight of the families and people out there. I heard the railings today against the government bail out of Frannie and Freddie by Congresspeople and Senators. One of them pounded his fist and said "If I pay my mortgage faithfully, I don't want to pay for the mortgage of a neighbor who didn't plan well and the responsible Americans, why should they have to pay for the mistakes of their neighbors?"

Well, I wish I could bail them all out, Senator, all my neighbors, anyone. I wish I could. I am brother's keeper after all. I'm not very good at it, I know, but I would never turn my back on a suffering neighbor without giving them whatever I have. I know what you're saying. That's probably one reason why I have no money in my pocket to even offer up. You'd be right on that one.


  1. If there were more people like you in the world, it would be a far, far better place to live. Every time I read your blog I want to send you money, clothes, food, a house, a car etc. But I can't. But the thought is there. K


Broken Down

 I broke down yesterday.    I get up yesterday morning, clean everything, debate on taking back the Waterloo girl cat, Brambley, before Glea...