Sunday, May 25, 2008

Bug Screening the Vegee Plants

I've had just a few bugs attack my growing small garden so far, mostly the two pepper plants' lower leaves and the broccoli. So, I made what I hope will be bug retardant screens for the plantars today. I used old horse fencing, that I cut and wired in ovals, then covered in window screening.

I made the large wooden plantar from old fence boards. My one tomato is doing well. So are the leeks and onions and my two strawberry plants. The squash are shooting up as is the broccoli, but my carrots have failed to thrive. I think the seed was too old.

Out front, I planted pumpkins. I checked on one of the seeds which is breaking open and beginning to sprout.

This is my container planted in leeks and onions.
My newly bug screened cherry tomato plant.
My homemade plantar box broccoli, squash and peppers. One end also has a couple potatos planted from sprouted spuds I had on hand.
These are bug screens I made for the broccoli and pepper plants I planted in the yard proper.
Bug screening over the wood planter. I tied PVC pipes to the sides, to weight it down. At the ends, I tied cotton cord to the edge of the screening then ran the end of the cord under a brick to hold the screen ends down but allow me to easily remove it.
This is one of two small beds, with mattress I got at a garage sale for $2.50. I love them both. The cats do also. I get to sleep in any of three places now and do so.


  1. Hello! By any chance, would you like Arugula seeds? Only if you like Arugula (peppery and strong tasting, good in salads or to make 'pesto' with) -- very easy to grow cool weather plant. I planted some and it has totally taken off -- hence lots of seeds, if you're interested. Not everyone likes it though.

  2. Great! They'll reach you in a few weeks: There's tons, but they're still a little green -- I'm going to wait till the seeds are nice and dry.



 Finally, my mysterious massive black tux yard stray, Pietro, is fixed and back with his people. He's come through the yard for maybe a ...