Sunday, May 11, 2008

Autism Causes

I see some parents are prepared to take the case of vaccine caused autism to court. I don't know what causes autism, but there's some doctor who has a show that airs on 1190 KEX radio, which I sometimes listen to, usually briefly, before changing the dial.

That doctor ridicules anybody who thinks autism is vaccine caused. A couple days ago I heard him on it again, this time citing evidence that the parents of autistic children might be nuts. He claims there is some link, through new studies, to fathers with schizophrenia and mothers with undefined psychiatric illness ending up with autistic children. The radio show doctor then made sarcastic comments about how this seems reasonable given these mothers crazy claims that autism could be vaccine caused.

This doctor has made all sorts of demeaning remarks about women on that supposedly scientific show.

But, nonetheless, back to the alleged link between psychiatric illness of parents and autistic children. If there is indeed a link, I will already predict, if ever fully investigated and any link found, the link will be because the mothers or fathers took psyche drugs. Those psyche drugs kill and harm and I would guess, harm even fetuses or even fetuses to be, by altering eggs and sperm.

That's my prediction. Let the lawsuits commence.

I was on those psyche drugs, tons of them, for years, forced on them by asshole unethical money grubbing drug pushers, a.k.a.--shrinks. I know how extremely damaging they are.

Speaking of lawsuits. A bunch of families of illegal immigrants who died or got shoddy medical care while in detention prior to deportation are suing the feds. The 60 Minutes segment wanted us all to be outraged.

And yet, one case profiled, the detainee suffered far less than I suffered, under the psyche system. This was the case of one Somalian who came here and requested political asylum and instead, was put in a New Jersey detention center. She had a psyche drug forced on her while there. She, and her attorney, were outraged and are suing and on 60 MInutes.

Hey wait a minute. I'm a legal citizen here. I lost 30 years of my life to misdiagnoses by shrinks, with forced psyche drugging and abuse by staff on psyche wards thrown in---30 years. Hey, I'm an American. Makes you think the only path to justice and medical care sometimes is to be an illegal.

Another man died of cancer after he received no treatment for testicular cancer he had when he entered the deportation facility. He entered the facility because he'd dealt drugs in America after entering the country illegally, been caught and was going to be deported back to Mexico. Now his family is suing America. There are millions of Americans with zero health care. There's a guy in Albany with cancer who can't get chemo until he comes up with $4000.

So the 60 Minutes story this time, I thought, was not consistent with the reality of American life, i.e., the fact half of Americans couldn't afford the care they were saying the illegals in custody should get as a right.

I would think the law enforcement agency who arrested him for drug trafficking and had to try him should place a lien on any settlement.

We have counties scrambling for money now, due to the timber payments being cut, closing essential services, cutting jobs. And yet counties do have to deal with the cost of jailing illegal immigrants who commit crimes and there have been a rash of them right here in Oregon. Would that Oregon City teen still be alive if those two brothers had not been able to so easily slip across the border? One put his foot across her throat while the other raped her. She died.

Sure I know plenty of good old Americans commit atrocities. Not my point. We have a lot of expense dealing with the hordes of murderous and thieving Americans. We don't need add ons. That murdered teens Texas parents were losers to the max, too. NObody would deny that.

I am torn over it all. I see hard working illegal families, but then again, no other country in the world has open borders. Immigrants who try to come here legally, wait for years and go through all the legalities required of becoming a citizen. Should we dump all those requirements and let everyone in who wants in? If so, be prepared to pay even higher taxes to pay for schools, criminal justice and jails, health care. Unlimited low cost labor drives down wages and drives up rent costs, hurting low income working Americans.

It is a hot topic issue. Do we have no requirements for entering our country by anyone? If Mexicans are allowed free access to America then why in the world do we oppose shipping of jobs overseas? And if Mexicans, why not anybody from any country? Why do some have to go through the legal hoops? Should we have no laws at all?

And what about our culpability to Mexico itself, if those willing to work come here, illegally, sending money home, allowing Mexico to not address its own issues. Mexico is a resource rich nation and yet it still squalors in its third world status. It's easier for Mexicans to come here than to change their own country. Mexico needs to change and its citizens need to stay in Mexico and accomplish that change. Would they change Mexico, if they did not have the option to cross the border for jobs?

Here is what I'm asking: We don't have the resources to help everybody on earth. Do we take care of Americans first? I know that statement is sacrilege to many liberals.


  1. Much "autism" is caused by older men fathering babies and this has been known since the 1950s. Of course in familial autism more parents are schizophrenic because autism and schizophrenia are identical. In 1994 the Diagnostic Manual change the diagnosis of childhood schizophrenia to a diagnosis of autism. For more information on this complex topic:

  2. That is interesting. Yet, the psychiatric system actually has no way to even diagnose, except subjectively, schizophrenia.

  3. Are you talking about Dr. Dean Edell? He is no sexist.

    The autism-vaccine link has been decisively proven false, but idiots who don't believe in "science" like evolution, etc., will go with their emotions instead. And while they skip vaccinating their kids, they put the entire population at risk of diseases that should've already been eradicated. Autism is a devastating diagnosis for a single family. Measles, mumps, diphtheria, etc. are devastating diagnoses for entire populations.

  4. I don't know the name of the doctor on the radio show. I've only heard him twice actually, but both those times he made some remarks about women that seemed bizarre.

    As for the vaccine thing, I don't know much about that whole controversy with autism. I am not a scientist. I do know about cat vaccine problems, the sarcoma link, and something about adjugated vaccines. Some vets advise against using multi dose vials, because in some manners of manufacture, the aluminum or something, (it was a metal) in the manner they are made will settle in the multi dose vials so that the doses drawn last are more toxic or more likely to cause sarcomas. Now I am talking from memory of one conversation with an extremely educated and smart Corvallis vet, and probably have gotten several terms wrong. And it is now advised that it is not necessary to boost vaccines in cats every year after the first three years a cat is vaccinated as an adult once yearly. So for some reason, over-vaccination is a concern in cats, perhaps only with injection site sarcoma. I'm not sure.

    I understand that vaccination is a public health issue. Vaccinating against rabies should be considered a pet owners responsible action to the human race, as then a person's animal cannot become a vector to spread this horrible disease. Vaccinations have saved countless lives, of humans and animals. You'll get no argument from me about the value of vaccination and the responsibility of vaccinating.

  5. Here is what was very interesting to watch--a segment on an autistic woman who has learned to communicate using a computer. To see that video she made and get a glimpse inside the mind of someone diagnosed with autism was fascinating. It's almost as if she is like a stroke victim. I wonder sometimes what is going on inside the mind of stroke victims who cannot communicate. Is their brain damaged or just their ability to communicate with muscles. I know the comparison is simplistic, but it makes me wonder if autism is not brain damage of some sort that occurs in utero or??? Does the brain not get something it badly needs at a crucial stage in development, I wonder. I suppose one would need to study the history of autism to understand it better. It is so prevalent in society and so expensive to society that finding the cause would be very important.

    When anesthetizing pregnant cats, the cat often takes far more anesthesia than if not pregnant, because the drug goes right to the placenta, one vet tech told me. So, I would think human fetuses might be far more susceptible to anything a mother ingests or is exposed to than a woman who is not pregnant. I could be all wrong, of course.

    And the other thing I think about is hormones. Why do more male children get autism or have it, than females, I wonder. I read somewhere that one factor in a male child being heterosexual or homosexual is the number of males the mother has given birth to prior. This seemed born out to me in families I know who had lots of boys, with the last boy born ending up gay.

    Interestingly enough, I have noticed that end of kitten season, last fall litters, there seems to be a predominance of male kittens in litters born. Sometimes, I've encountered litters of six or seven kittens, early to late fall, that are all male.

    Well anyhow. It's all very interesting, but I know it's devastating to families. It's also interesting to me that in some families several of the children are autistic. This is extremely interesting.

    As you can tell, I'm no scientist.



 Finally, my mysterious massive black tux yard stray, Pietro, is fixed and back with his people. He's come through the yard for maybe a ...