Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Texas Mormons

The Fundamentalist Mormons have caused great suffering in Texas and great costs to Texas taxpayers housing over 400 women and children removed from the sect's ranch or who left willingly. These kids and women are damaged goods, and it will take a lot of courage and help for them to overcome the crap they went through at the hands of a child molestor whacko sect.

The state needs to seize their assets to recoup costs.

How can this happen in America?

I don't know the answer. I wondered that when the sect operated openly in Colorado City, ignored by authorities who knew what was going on there.

The polygamists support their extended families with taxpayer money. The men marry one wife while the others, all arranged marraiges, producing kids like rabbits, are collecting welfare. At some point, many of the boys, (competition for the old men wanting the young girls as wives) are kicked out. These young men, called "the lost boys" by Jon Krakauer, a marvelous author originally from Corvallis, in his book about the Mormons "Under the Banner of Heaven", often end up on the streets living homeless. He has now formed a foundation to help the lost boys.

Women are treated like breeder stock, beaten and not even allowed expression of emotion. And I thought the Taliban were bad. We go to war against monsters like the Taliban, an act I support with cheering. I think when a Taliban dies, a bell rings somewhere. I think the same thing about these whacko abusive fake religious control freak men, who breed women allegedly so they can earn a planet once they die.

These people are crazy. They are hurting other human beings. This should not happen in America.

Read Under the Banner of Heaven, by Jon Krakauer. Your eyes will be opened to the sick world of Fundamentalist Mormons.

You have to wonder, if the Mormon faith was founded on polygamy, as it was, although some deny it, then if the Mormons drop polygamy, as they did in order to survive in America, is not the religion totally compromised? If your religions is founded on a premise, later dropped, if that basic premise your prophet promoted as basic to your religion is false, then maybe your whole religion is false. Does that cross your minds, Mormons out there?

It's not like I'm in love with any religion. The Catholics, oh my gawd, there is so much crap going on in that world.

There is evidence Jesus was going to hand over the leadership of the church to Mary Magdalene. This information did not set well at all with the patriarchal church that emerged later. Is this why Mary Magdalene is now widely tought to have been a whore? And what about the commandment "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness against they neighbor?" Is Mary Magdalene, as a woman, not a neighbor? Can she be lied about so brutally?

Man made religion is false through and through.

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