Thursday, April 24, 2008

Her Eye was Removed Yesterday

Stenade, the last cat I caught at Tattoo Prairie, whose eye had been damaged six months before, in a fight when she was still just a kitten, had her suffering end yesterday when her eye was surgically removed. The eye was bulging with a detached cornea and causing her misery. Imagine yourself with a useless infected bulging eye. Imagine living in that kind of pain.

The colony caretaker thought she was a loner and an angry cat. He never connected her horrible eye problem with extreme pain which causes some irritibility issues, as I so well understand.

I hope to find this sweet young cat a home. She is shy but not feral. And, she is extremely grateful for the gift given her, by a stranger with a trap and some absolutely wondrous people, whom I've never met, who paid for her surgery.

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