Sunday, April 20, 2008

FLDS Bullshit

Apparently the Fundamentalist Mormons are trying to woo the public with a public relations campaign about their polygamist lifestyle. Number one: polygamy is against US law. Number two: having sex with a child is against US law. I hope the starstruck easily bought out media does not loose track of the facts and the knowledge this sect does not allow women freedom or choice. They grow up believing this way. That does not make it right.

Giving children in marriage at age 13 is child rape and removal of choice for women. This is America. Want to behave that way, join the Taliban or Al Quada or some of those similar women controlling whackjob Muslim sects.

Many of these spiritual wives, as they call themselves, and their numerous children, are supported on welfare. Does the state of Texas have no welfare to work laws? Most states do. An interesting report would be how much welfare money is going into this sect.

Stop giving these lawbreakers publicity. We have laws in this country to protect children. We have laws against polygamy and we have welfare to work laws. Let's see these laws upheld.


  1. Big Love is not a documentary. It's fiction. And it's actually pretty funny. The characters are supposed to be in this situation by conscious choice, unlike the FLDS people, and has a sect like the FLDS that is looked down upon by the other characters. It's pretty entertaining.

    Otherwise, completely agree about the welfare fraud and forced marriages.

  2. Got the information about big Love from the news itself, from an FLDS woman being interviewed and talking about Big Love. She called it a documentary, etc, which is extremely funny, in a way, that an FLDS person was quoting Big Love as if it was a documentary, on the news. They probably don't even watch TV and had heard about it, but wrongly, like me. Well......


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