Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cat Hunting at Heatherdale

I spent most of today tracking down unfixed cats at Heatherdale. I trapped three strays living under one trailer. And kids from one trailer came over to me with their brown tabby female in their arms, wanting her fixed. I'd taken in their male and another female over a week ago. The brown tabby female, just a teen, had kittens the night before, however, so she couldn't go. Well, all her kittens died. Why? Because she wanted to go outside and prowl around instead of taking care of them. She just abandoned them, in other words. So tomorrow, she will be fixed.

I also picked up another black and white mustached male, who is owned, from his owners, to be fixed.

In the this latest visit to Heatherdale, I've taken in nine owned cats, and six outside cats, although most of those six grew up inside the trailer of the man who feeds them, so most of those six were tame. 15 cats so far from Heatherdale.

Tomorrow, that total will increase to 20 from Heatherdale, including the first two true ferals. Most of the strays there are previously owned abandoned cats and not feral. If I catch them before they have litters, no colonies of true ferals will form. So I've got two true ferals and that's it, out of 20 fixed so far from that trailer park.

One of the true ferals is unbelievably gorgeous. He is a young silver smoke tabby male. Unbelievably gorgous.

Besides the five Heatherdale cats, I'll take in the final adult from the Lebanon orangies, making 12 adults fixed from that Lebanon barn.

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