Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I don't know what the definition of miracles might be. But the fact I got the barn home placement for nine cats out of the blue, when most needed, might be one. And, the fact the woman who feeds these cats now has a husband in the hospital with possible heart failure, so she got help with getting the strays she feeds fixed and placed, when she most needed it, although she didn't know her husband was so ill, might be another. A conglomeration of coincidences? It's kind of eery in a way.

I haven't heard how her husband is doing. She thinks his heart symptoms might be due to the powerful antibiotics he was on for pneumonia. His legs, she said, began to swell right after he starting taking them. And, heart symptoms including leg swelling, are listed as side effects. But, she conceded, when she talked to me on the phone last night, the pneumonia itself could have been due to heart failure. The doctor who diagnosed his pneumonia and gave him these antibiotics had told him to take water pills, Lasix, when his legs began to swell after he began the antibiotics. She isn't happy with that doctor right now. She said her husband was scared, when she saw him in the hospital last night, thinking he could die any moment.

He had carefully kept his coat with him, through the tests they were doing, because he had just cashed her paycheck and that was their rent money. He didn't want it stolen. That was why the landlord knocked on their door last night, when they were gone, and I was there trapping the cats. He was after the rent money.

The woman who contacted me, on behalf of this woman, wanting help for her with the cats, also works as a caregiver. The Dilapidatd Duplex woman said they once competed for this job she has. She takes care of a bedridden woman with diabetes 40 hours per week. I guess there's competition for caregiver jobs that are steady and full time. Some are only a few hours a week.

Her husband was going to go to the doctor, about his broken toe, then he was going to pick her up from work. He never arrived to pick her up from work, so she called his doctor office. They told her he'd been sent to the ER. She had no car and no way to get to the ER. She called her daughter who said she'd come give her a ride but she never showed up. She said her daughter got into drugs a long time ago and never really got off them, although now she's labeled bipolar. Her mother says it's drug induced bipolar all the way. So someone at the complex where she was working gave her a ride to the ER.

It'll be hard for her now. Harder I should say. She has to keep working the 40 hours per week to be able to pay rent. And with her husband so sick, I don't know how she will make it. She gets four personal leave/vacation days per year, with her job, or rather, two every six months. I just hope everything works out and that he doesn't die. Be hard for her. He seems like a nice guy. Well, I really don't know these folks that well. I shouldn't be talking like I do.

Well I just got a call of my paper ad, and I have another barn home for three or four more. That's good because I have two being fixed right now who need someplace to go and five more at the same Corvallis location in need.

I have the Eugene area barn home to take on the Lebanon gang, when I trap them, but right now, I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted. I took up the five fixed yesterday to join the other four this morning. They are taking one more, a female who is the sister of two of the cats already there. That leaves two boys up being fixed who need a home, and now they have one. And I will get one or two more, from same location, to go with them to their new home.

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