Interesting story on the web today (click post title) about the FBI's Patriot Act phone surveilance program. Their lines are getting disconnected because they're not paying their bills. This is not the first time stories of federal agencies failing to pay have hit the web. In southern Oregon, after a Presidential visit during the last campaign, a hotel didn't get paid forever, where Bush staff and Secret Service stayed. I remember the anguished owner appealing for payment on TV.
Well, after all the mess I've had with the mailbox keys, today, I found that key. It was in the pocket of a sweatshirt that had fallen down in the narrow space between the bed and the wall. I didn't even remember wearing that sweatshirt, since I rarely do. I wore it the day I was going to Portland, because I was washing my regular coat so I could take it and have it clean. Now, I remember (bonking myself on forhead).
Kind of too late to be useful. My mail is no longer being delivered. I've paid the fee and maybe tomorrow the locks will be changed. Tomorrow afternoon, I might be able to get the keys. Otherwise, it will be Monday.
I haven't missed getting mail. It's just one less thing I have to do.
Caught the last two of the four Millersburg cats. They'll be fixed tomorrow. The other two, a male and a female, born last summer, were fixed yesterday. I returned them today when I picked up the last two.
Been after the ghost calico again, out on 34 and 99. Thought I saw her last night, in the dark and rain, a bright spot of white against the darkness. I set a trap. Another trapper gave me a lift, so I could hop out, instead of walking a mile with a trap in the rain. But just as she put on her blinkers and pulled to the side of a road, a cop car passes us. So instead of hopping out, I waited inside the car. We knew the cop would be back. He was.
He was a very pleasant man. We heard a dog barking and I asked him "What is that?" He said "Oh, it's my dog. We're headed to training." My cat trapper buddy told him what we were doing and he said "Good for you" or something. He was just a really nice man, I thought.
Off he drove and I went to set the trap. Caught nothing. I checked it early this morning. Again, I saw the circle of white, only this time in a different place. I began to wonder if that's not something else I'm seeing. Is it car lights somehow, but I couldn't reproduce the object, by waiting until cars went by at various angles and speeds and directions.
Then I began to wonder if that calico I saw got killed and now she's haunting the area. I wonder that. I've seen a ghost cat before.
I used to have a ghost cat waken me, by kneading on me, then it would move off, and rub up against the wall, still kneading. I wasn't afraid although I was intensely startled. I'd see the form of the cat, long hair, big ruff on it's neck, a tuxedo, although no color was evident, but I never recognized the cat as one I'd encountered. It was like it wanted or needed something from me.
Then it would just vanish, like it thought better of showing itself or got scared or, well I don't know what. I don't anything about such things. I'd reach out my hand to it, but it was almost as if it didn't see my hand.
I never knew what it needed from me and the visits stopped eventually. I think it probably needed comfort. Most cats that die unloved or abandoned or starving, that's what they'd want I figure---comfort and love. So I didn't mind it coming like that. I mean, why would I.
But anyhow, I don't know what's going on with the calico. Kind of wierd. Kind of wierd also what went on with the trap, too. I won't say what it looked like this morning, but if that was a ghost cat I saw, that would explain it. So I'm going to try to settle with whatever it is, if it's a ghost. I'm going to give it everything a nice pampered house cat would ever want and see if that makes it more content. And I'm going to invite it to come with me, to live here.
I got room for ghost cats here, too. They don't eat much. They don't get fleas or worms or URI's. They don't reproduce, spayed or not.
So, you're all thinking I'm off my rocker. Sure, I'm telling you this kind of tongue and cheek. Maybe I am off my rocker good now. There's things out there we don't know about. And I'm just stumbling through life anyhow.
I am a Cat Woman. My self-appointed mission in life is to save the feline world! To accomplish this mission, I get cats fixed. Perhaps my mission might be slightly delusional. This blog is a mishmash of wishful thinking, rants, experiences as I remember them and of course, cat stories and cat photos. I have a nonprofit now, to help keep the cats here cared for and to fix community cats. Happy Cat Club formed in 2015. Currently, we are on a mission to fix 10,000 cats.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
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Quartzville Road Scenic Byway
If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....

Black Pearl is supposed to go to a home on Monday. The people adopting both her and Toby wanted her records, to be sure she has been fixed,...
Guess who I caught this evening? Yup. Both these big guys. They can be neutered side by side! I also caught a young brown tabby tux and ...
I made it back to Waldo. Monday I took five cats from Gills Landing colony to be fixed and tested at the Salem clinic. All five, four gi...
i've seen "things" too. i also feel a lot more then i see. it used to really creep me out and make it hard to sleep but i've gotten better at shutting out what i don't want and taking in what i need. i think people that are more open to it will be better able to. how could we humans be so obtuse to think things start and end with us in human form. i totally know i have a couple "guardians" that take different forms for different situations. sometimes it's just to comfort me or encourage me with a brush or overwhelming feeling all of a sudden.
ReplyDeleteit thinks it's kinda cool myself
keep me posted!
It is cool. But, this cat is no ghost. I just ran into her although she quickly disappeared into the berry vines. She has to be pretty near starved to death by this time. She's been out there a long time.
ReplyDeleteI will tell about my haunting in the woods as soon as I can blog it without sounding insane. I have put off doing, cuz I am sure it will sound dumb.
I can't wait to hear, Larissa, new lady to leisure. Hey L, I'm going one day to that old restaurant of yours, and I'm going to demand you as my waitress. I'm going to raise a hissy fit, demanding you and you alone as waitress. We'll see what they do then, huh?