Monday, December 31, 2007


I was gone for two nights, went to Portland to see my brothers. Was nice to get away except I started coming down with a cold the day I left, Saturday evening. So it was a little hard to sleep, with junk running down the back of my throat.

My nose was broken when I was a kid. A girl was waiting outside the public swimming pool for someone she didn't like. Only I came out first and she threw the rock at me, thinking it was going to be her "friend" who came out first. I didn't even know her. My nose got broken. She ran off.

So anyhow, I get drainage down the back of my throat with any nasal event, like allergies or a cold. Drainage runs backwards, instead of coming out the front of my nose, like with people who have normal noses.

So anyhow, never easy to sleep if I get a cold. Constant coughing ensues with the drainage and tickling. I do my best not to get colds. This one so far isn't big time, you know, but i knew I was getting it because my feet started getting cold, my lungs felt heavy and I just wanted to sleep Friday and Saturday. Bad timing to get a chance to visit my brothers in Portland right when I get hit with a cold.

I had a good time, just to see them.

I came home this morning. I came home to a message from the woman who adopted a kitten a month ago, saying he has a cold. I loaned her a vaporizer i think two weeks ago. I wonder if she has used it for him. The kitten has herpes. I think I explained the virus to her, that outbreaks can occur when a cat or kitten is under stress. Maybe I forgot to fully explain that to her. Maybe I need to print off some information for her on it. My printer currently is not working. Not sure why.


  1. I'm glad you got a little trip in finally. sounds like it went ok. :)

    congrats on little miss. i know you miss her. she looks so happy with the dog!

    happy new year! i'll be lucky to be awake at midnite.

  2. The trip was quick and brief, yet it was nice to get away.

    My cats are actually very unhappy in this house. Comet and Dex now attack other cats, particularly Hopi and Gretal, when they try to use the litterbox. Hopi is ghost now, skinny and depressed. They are not used to being confined, to such a small inside uninteresting existence. I've got to do something.


Green Peter Drawdown Video

  A video made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.  Will it help at all?   I don't know.