Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Taking Rest of Week OFF

I cancelled appointments for fixing at the vets tomorrow. I am too exhausted to go trap more cats tonight. I've had the neck pain come back, ever since I helped those fence builders try to dig fence post holes, by pounding at the hard clay with overhead blows, to loosen the soil, using a long handled crowbar. Just hasn't gone back to normal yet, the pain level from that stupid act.

I wanted to be one of them, I guess. One of the hole digging fence builders. Um, I've not got the body of a young manuel laborer. Too many metal spinal plates. Live and learn. Or grow old and never learn a damn thing.

I'm going to focus on trying to adopt out even one of the fixed kittens. That would be a win, to even find a home for one. I have four fixed kittens, some a bit older. I have two boys and two girls. Meeko and Mooki are the two boys. Purrly and Little Miss Sunshine are the two spayed girls.

In the wings, ready to go once fixed---Aces, Pixie, Spider, Shady, Micah and the three, not yet named, of the injured mom cat--two boys and one girl. I also have two kittens here from NW Corvallis. Two of three kittens of a feral mom, now spayed, out there. The woman had caught the third kitten, then tried to transfer the kitten to a carrier, alone and outside, and the kitten bolted away from her into the berry vines. The other two, two gray tabby tuxes, one boy, one girl, are here, in a rabbit hutch, waiting to be spay weight. Once they're fixed, they can go back there. Won't be the greatest life, living as feral kittens out there, but they'll be fed and they'll have an outside bed, so they'll be just fine.

Yikes! I have 15 kittens here alone. Plus about 16 adults. 31 cats, although two of the kittens will be leaving the moment they are fixed. Only four of all these cats are mine. The rest are up for adoption, some chronically.


  1. Jody,

    I think that is a great idea. Don't answer the phone and use the long holiday weekend to get yourself feeling better. You certainly deserve some personal time to recharge.

    Mike & Linda

  2. Thanks Mike and Linda. I'm taking a cue from someone who suggested this awhile back, leaving my e-mail address on my message machine and stating I only reply to e-mails, then disabling ability for caller to leave message.

  3. Hi Jody,
    Thanks to your friends in the cat blogoshpere, we learned about your good works. We made a donation thru the Cat Blog link night before last.

    I just got an eBay auction item today from a rescue group in NJ and her biz card was enclosed. Here's the link:

    I don't know if it's useful to you or not but maybe in terms of networking, support, fundraising? They sound generous, anyway, and willing to help whenever possible. Like you.

    Get some rest. I can't imagine the heartbreak you live with. I'm just starting to be able to get more directly involved in rescue work after 12 years of "intending" to. It's very hard not to flood with the despair, isn't it?

    Laura & Cats

  4. Hey Laura and the Cats, yes it is hard, not to flood with despair the be overwhelmed. Good for you, getting involved anyways. If more people were involved, be less heartache on the few now involved. But it isn't an easy life, I'll be you could guess.

    Thank you for the donation through the blogosphere. The Cat blogosphere folk are the best! I LOVE YOU GUYS!



 Finally, my mysterious massive black tux yard stray, Pietro, is fixed and back with his people. He's come through the yard for maybe a ...