Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Awesome Bumper Sticker!

I followed a car yesterday, on the bypass highway, when headed into Corvallis. The bumper sticker made me start laughing so hard I almost had to pull to the side of the road. It read: "Cheney/Satan 08". Now I'm laughing again.

I am taking these five kittens to Heartland in an hour. I still have to return the three cats fixed yesterday to the Millersburg colony. The cats just knocked over my bookcase in the spare bedroom. I have to soak Twister's honking absess again. And Hopi now has two strange little knob bumps on her nose, so she has to go to the vet today. And, there's the side of my forehead. It will suddenly start tightening and pulling hard. Very strange and maybe related to neck nerves and muscles.

From the Millersburg Country Colony---As of today, seven adults have been fixed, four of them females. One of the females was pregnant and one in heat.

Seven kittens from two mothers have been removed now. All were thankfully taken into foster by Heartland volunteers. These kittens will never reproduce. Heartland fixes all kittens prior to adoption. So the tally of cats either fixed or removed, stands at 14 now, only a few days after discovering the need there.

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Ten Cats Fixed Yesterday in Portland

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