Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cats Today

Comet of Heatherdale peeks at me.
Meesa, Fantasia and Echo's mother, from that 4th street location in Albany, today, an older, wiser, and tamer girl by now.  Her girls, the Quirky Sisters, are still nuts, however.
Slinko, from the Premier Apartment cat holocaust, has moved inside from the cat yard and become almost tame.  He adores Sam.
Starry, from the N. Albany swamp, is ever the dreamer.  She is a lovely soul.

Slurpy, the humble, loving chirping torti from the Lebanon Save the Kittens colony, dozes today.

Slurpy watches over her best friend, Deaf Miss Daisy.
Patches and Thunder, best friends, from the Lebanon Let Em Breed colony, on the cat shelf in the garage room, still waiting for their barn home to be ready.  Won't be long now that the weather finally warmed up, maybe this week, that they'll be leaving.

Bluebell, from the Lebanon Let Em Breed colony, very cute, quite vocal and now lets me pet her, as do several of the colony cats.  They're all waiting on that barn home, south of Corvallis, to be ready to take them.  
This is either Flopsy with Huckleberry or Vino with Huckleberry.  Flopsy and Vino look much alike except Flopsy's tail is more ringed than Vino's, but only slightly more so.  Flopsy now allows for the occasional pet along her back and Huckleberry is close to letting me pet her.  Alas, they will soon be leaving.  It's very hard to find homes for adults, especially shyer adults, so a barn home for them it will be.

How strange is it that I finally figured out there are 16 Lebanon cats, not 17, waiting for the barn home. I had it in my head that of the 60 cats and kittens removed, 16 of the adults have been placed when its actually 17 who have been placed with 16 still waiting.  There are 9 grays, not 10.  Four are long hair--Gracie, Bluebell, Hawkeye and Da Vinci, Da Vinci being the only boy of the long hairs.  
Five of the nine grays are short hair---Storm and Willy Nilly, two of the last four I caught out there are both boys.  Then there are Vino, a boy, and Flopsy, a girl, two of the first eleven adults I caught.  Then there's the young girl Mopsy, who is the only short hair gray I have who was fixed at the FCCO.   Vino and Flopsy were fixed at Heartland, while Storm and Willy were fixed at Willamette Humane.  There were two other gray girls from the colony.  Honey Booboo, a young gray female, escaped the garage room in Lacomb and hopefully is still eating and sleeping up there in their greenhouse which they
quickly set up for that after the escape.  Mango has certainly settled in, after she escaped.  Nilly, the other young gray female, is with seven others from the colony at the Tangent barn home.
The others waiting are three blacks---Thunder, the massive big male, friends with Patches, the calico.  Then young male Arrow, and teen girl Javi. Two other black, Jamaica and Thumper, escaped the garage in Lacomb.  I hope they're ok too. Rounding out the cats still waiting, there is Rosy, the young muted torti tux girl, and muted torti sisters Mona Lisa and Huckleberry, along with calico Patches, the wildest of the bunch. 

Willy Nilly, the youngest of the colony cats, along with Rosy.  Willy Nilly was not the last cat I caught but he was the last cat to be fixed from the colony.
Deaf Miss Daisy--playful, optimistic, funny, exasperating in the mornings when she makes me get up for her morning treats, but the most wonderful cat I've ever lived with.  She's old now, somewhere over 13, but I don't know her real age, since she was a young adult when she was dumped along Seven Mile.  She has age spots in her eyes and sleeps more now.  She, along with Vision, Electra and Hairy, are the ancients of ancients here.  Vision, at almost 20, is the oldest.  Hairy is somewhere over 14 or 15 and Electra is almost 15 now.

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