Well, I did it again, headed off to S/nipped, last minute, with 16 more local cats to be fixed.
Five were girls from Albany. Eleven others came from Lebanon.
In all, 6 males and 10 females.
Purr, orange tabby tux female, from Albany, fixed yesterday, thanks to S/nipped and Poppa Inc. |
Kali, an Albany female, fixed yesterday at S/nipped. Her owners called me after calling other places. She'd had kittens and they were giving them away in front of Walmart until the manager told them to stop it. Then they called Safehaven, but Safehaven was full. Then they called KATA in Sweet Home, who chastised them for giving away kittens in front of Walmart and gave them my number, to get mom cat fixed. So they called me and she's now fixed and her kittens are in my garage, heading off to Heartland today. |
Momma Cat, from College Park Drive. I found her calling free kitten ads. They have only one kitten left, too young to be fixed and with a prolapsed rectum to boot, but she's fixed. |
Maple, from College Park. She and Lizard, from same household, I also located by calling free kitten ads. The kittens have all been given away but one but at least both females are fixed. However, the kittens out there unfixed will likely also reproduce and begin the cycle, the deadly game, once again. |
Lizard, adult torti female from College Park drive here in Albany fixed yesterday. |
Lily, Muted torti female fixed yesterday, located by calling free kitten ads on craigslist. |
Mim, torbi female kitten, fixed yesterday from Lebanon. When picking up Mimi, a woman ran over saying she had a kitten who needed fixed. |
Miracle, Lebanon torti fixed yesterday. |
Angelica, buff white female fixed yesterday at Snipped from Lebanon.
Precious, buff white Lebanon female fixed yesterday. |
Booboo, Orange tabby on white Lebanon male fixed yesterday. |
Bozo, buff orange medium hair tux male fixed yesterday. And, with Bozo, there's something else you gotta see! |
Monty, DSH org tab on white Lebanon male fixed yesterday. |
Punky, DSH black tux Lebanon male fixed yesterday. |
Daddy, DLH buff male fixed yesterday from Lebanon. |
Daddy, due to severe mats and fleas, was given a lion cut by Tamara, no charge! |
Sonny, buff DMH male fixed yesterday, from Lebanon.
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