Saturday, January 30, 2010

Please Vote for Miss Daisy's Photo!

Please, please, please!!!!Click post title to go to the Bissell pet photo contest, register, then vote for Miss Daisy, by typing her name into the search box for this voting period. Ultimate winner gets to choose a animal charity that will get $10,000. I need to get that grant for Poppa Inc., so I can continue my self-appointed job of getting mid valley cats fixed, like the 25 I've trapped so far at that south Corvallis seed warehouse in the last three days.

Miss Daisy now has 33 votes. I think she will need a lot more than that to win.
Being isolated has its draw backs, that's for sure, in trying to find money to continue a very important work for animals. Wish I had a zillion friends who would all vote.

What's up with TV lately? Like tonight. Two channels have those celeb gossip shows. I don't know who would watch that stuff. Another channel, KATU out of Portland, is running a game show rerun. Reruns on 13 of some, one of the many generic crime or CSI shows. They all seem the same, but really obnoxious in reruns. Why on Saturday and Sunday nights now is it just reruns??

I am tired of my life in a way. I love helping cats, but I don't have any friends. I think I could make friends somewhere else. I really need to take control of my life while I'm still alive and try to find a way out of Albany, maybe to Eugene. Couldn't be any worse anywhere. I don't have any significant human contact sometimes for months on end. Sometimes its even longer.

I keep thinking I will find a way to make friends around here, but I don't think I will. I've tried all sorts of ways. I even tried several ads on craigslist. That might not have been so wise. I have online friends, but it's not the same really.

Online friendships are easier, that's for sure. But I so much wish I could find people to hang out with, watch movies with, go for hikes with, go swimming with, around here now and then. That hasn't happened. I know it would be terrible to try to move again, but I want my life to include humans. I don't know what to do.

I can't say I am a recluse because I go out when I round up cats. In my opinion, a recluse never goes out. However, I no longer go out unless I am out trapping or rounding up cats. That's a bad thing probably. I don't think I've given up hope but maybe I have.

I should probably go outside my comfort zone and take some risks on new things. I'll have to come up with some ideas. Otherwise, I think recluse will soon be an apt title for myself.

I want to come up with a bucket list. I did rent that movie and it was lousy. Lousy! But the idea is romantic to me. A bucket list, a list of things I want to do before I die. How arrogant to even consider. So many people never get out of a slum they live in. But that thought should not stop me. My issues from the past have held me back these last 8 years, since I left the mental health system. I've not had much chance at life. I may die tomorrow, for all I know. I shouldn't even be wasting my time writing this. I should be sleeping. Tomorrow, well, it's now today, is another new dawn, born with all sorts of possibilities. Maybe its time to embrace them.


  1. I think I know how you feel. Sometimes I wish I had friends too ...but then I think, people always disappoint me in real life (Internet works okay, though). I guess I don't play well with others. :)

    And as far as "doing" things, well, all the kitties you've rescued is more of an accomplishment than most people can point to.

  2. You're absolutely right, Pagini. I'm just drop dead exhausted right now, but am very very proud of trapping, now 27 cats in the last four days. Caught two more last night. It's been the wrangling of them here, in the small garage, that has been most difficult. But it's a good accomplishment for sure.

  3. we need to plan something for this summer Jody...I am all set to fly anywhere....


Ten Extras

 I have ten extra cats in my garage. Nine are in traps, just brought over from the Scravel colony.    They are almost all orange tabbies, wi...